A welcome, from the Gamma Mu Chapter!
Welcome to the Gamma Mu Chapter of Sigma, an organization devoted to Global Nursing Excellence and the only International Honor Society of Nursing. This site allows members of Gamma Mu the ability to network with other chapter members, upload photos, share documents, participate in chapter discussions, and learn about chapter events. The Gamma Mu Chapter is made up of members from Clemson University, and the surrounding communities of the Upstate of South Carolina. Below you will see a listing of the current Board Members for the Gamma Mu Chapter. We look forward to serving you and the community in the months and years ahead.
Gamma Mu Chapter Board Members
Cindy Cross
Kylie Newsom
Megan Pate Mayfield
Jennifer Ashley
Lena Burgess
Special Projects
Kim Hill
Faculty Counselor
Amy Garrison
Governance Chair
Charlotte Branyon
Governance Committee Member
Rebekah Martin
Taylor O'Neal
Leadership Succession Chair
Francie Black
Leadership Succession Committee Member